D: What does it say on that big piece of paper?
Me: ‘Your Ground Rules’
D: What does that mean?
Me: It’s the rules that the school children wanted to make when I was doing the speaking work with them.
D: What were their rules?
Me: One was that they wanted the group to all turn their phones off. Another was that they wanted the group to tell the truth about what they thought of each other’s speeches, but to be nice about it. Another was to be quiet and listen…
D: We have those rules at my school!
Me: What are your rules?
D: Be Safe; Be Kind; Be Helpful; Tell the truth; Listen – No, they don’t start with ‘be’ – every rule has to start with a ‘be’. But there IS a listen one, that starts with ‘be’.
Me: Be a good listener and be truthful?
D: Yes!